Listening to Families Videos
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The panel members explain the range of skills associated with executive functioning and discuss what causes poor executive functioning and why.
The panel members talk about how poor executive function impacts on behaviour. They discuss the emotional brain and the thinking brain and how these impact on actions
The panel members note that poor executive function often becomes visible when children transition for parent control to self-control – timekeeping is given as one example.
The panel members talk about the role of therapy and medication in developing improved executive function.
The panel members share a range of strategies to help children in the classroom and at home.
The panel members share a range of tools that are used to support children with executive function challenges. They note that everyone young and old has strengths that can be shared with others.
The panel members note that executive function can improve with age. They share tips on how students can cope with the transition to high school.
The panel members talk about strategies to address won’t do versus can’t do. They share ideas including creating space for children when they get home from school.
The panel members talk about the impact of the earthquakes on children and note that those who were very young children in 2011 are now in yrs 11 and 12 – many of these children have challenges.
Child Mind Institute
Seth Pearler
Smart but scattered
Sue Larkey podscast
YouTube clip
The Everything Parent's ¬Guide to Children with ¬Executive Functioning ¬Disorder
Strategies to help your child achieve the time-management skills, focus, and organization needed to succeed in school and life - Rebecca Branstetter
Executive Function Dysfunction - Strategies for Educators and Parents - Rebecca Moyes
Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens
Help for Unprepared, Late, and Scattered Teens -
Sharon A. Hansen