
Part 2 - How can I teach my child to have the right amount of trust in people?

Information including the signs and effects of child sexual abuse, grooming, online child exploitation and how to respond to a disclosure https://bravehearts.org.au/about-child-sexual-abuse/

Keeping kids safer http://www.capshauraki.co.nz/keeping-kids-safer.html

Keeping children safe https://helpauckland.org.nz/topic/keeping-children-safe/

Online sexual abuse https://netsafe.org.nz/image-based-abuse/

Sexual harm helpline https://safetotalk.nz/ 0800 044 334 or Free text 4334


Part 2 - How do I cope with other people's strong reactions to what has happened?


Part 2 - What if we as parents have different reactions to the situation?