Listening to Families Videos

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  • Trauma - What is this thing called trauma
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - What is this thing called trauma

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist explains that the term trauma relates to an experience where a person is completely overwhelmed. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager Start talks about the internal and external experience of an event

  • Trauma - How do I know if my child has experienced trauma?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - How do I know if my child has experienced trauma?

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist notes that parents are the expert – they will notice changes in their child’s behaviour. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager Start explains that there may be factors that impact on the natural drive towards healing – if healing isn’t occurring that’s the time to reach out for support.

  • Trauma - Should I talk with my child about the trauma?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - Should I talk with my child about the trauma?

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist addresses parents’ concerns that they will make matters worse if they talk about this with their child. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager Start talks about how children remember an event and the importance of talking with them about the event.

  • Trauma - Does a traumatic event damage a child for life?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - Does a traumatic event damage a child for life?

    Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager Start confirms that a traumatic event does not change a child for life. Trauma is an injury, a wound - wounds heal. Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist notes that trauma is not the event, and talks about the need to move on and grow. They talk about resilience.

  • Trauma - If my child requires support what is involved?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - If my child requires support what is involved?

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist notes that there are multiple variables that impact on the time it takes to recover from trauma. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager talks about how children respond. They confirm that a child having parental support is critical. They also talk about the importance of parents being supported.

  • Trauma - What if the parent is experiencing trauma?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - What if the parent is experiencing trauma?

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist notes the importance of parents being well and that parents should seek support when required. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager confirms that if a parent is not coping the traumatised child will sense this – this will influence the healing process.

  • Trauma - Who do we tell about our child’s trauma?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - Who do we tell about our child’s trauma?

    Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager suggests involving those that the young person comes into contact with. Distinguish between those that need to know and those who want to know. Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist talks about who to involve at school.

  • Trauma - What do we mean by scaffolding?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - What do we mean by scaffolding?

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist talks about parents being there to support their child. She notes the importance of normal routines. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager suggests that allowing life to flow is really helpful.

  • Trauma - What is the impact of social media on the prevalence of “trauma”?
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - What is the impact of social media on the prevalence of “trauma”?

    Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager notes that trauma being part of dialogue is positive. She notes the difference between trauma and events that people describe as traumatising. Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist talks about the pressures on adolescents. They talk about the importance of retaining boundaries.

  • Trauma - Key messages and resources
    • 29/04/24

    Trauma - Key messages and resources

    Sam MacGibbon Child and Family Psychologist notes that in most cases children will be ok. She reinforces the message that parents are the experts. Catherine Gallagher Clinical Practice Manager stresses the importance of parents taking care of themselves. She notes that bad things happen to good people – it’s not your fault.