Learn about ADHD
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Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) explains why it is harder for girls to get a diagnosis. He notes that ADHD presents differently in girls – often girls are quiet and inattentive and often get missed by teachers and others. He talks about masking which is more prevalent in girls.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) explains why Ritalin is the preferred medication – notes that it has the best balance of positive and negative effects. 70% of people get a good response. He talks about the difference between stimulants and non-stimulants.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) notes that ADHD is often present with other conditions. ADHD can contribute to a risk for other disorders. He explains that people with ADHD are more likely to experience trauma including head injuries.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) explains that there is a strong family / genetic influence. He notes the importance of getting a comprehensive assessment and ensuring that the explanation provided by the clinician feels right.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) talks about the NGO sector and the support that they provide. He also talks about Support groups – the benefits of these are discussed.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) talks about the role that SENCO’s and RTLB play. He notes that Ministry has good resources for teachers – he refers to the TKI website https://inclusive.tki.org.nz/guides/autism-and-learning/
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) discusses the benefits of coffee and notes that this area is under researched. He notes that several of the families that he has worked with have talked about the role of coffee.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) notes that ADHD can contribute to suicide risk. He explains factors that may influence this and talks about ways to minimise the risk. He talks about the importance of relationships .
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) agrees that sensory issues are common for people with ADHD. He discusses sensitivity to light, to noise, tastes, smells and clothes. He talks about under and over sensitivity.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) addresses parents’ concerns about stimulant medications leading to addiction. He refers to evidence that suggest that this is unlikely. He also discusses the impact that hormonal changes have.
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) identfies CHADD https://chadd.org/ as a good resource. He also refers to the NIMH website and the NICE guidelines (both noted in the resources). Matt and Tracey discuss the Life Keepers program https://www.lifekeepers.nz/
Matt Eggleston (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) notes that while awareness of ADHD in girls is increasing there is still quite a long way to go. He explains the differences in presentation and confirms the importance of getting an assessment. He also notes that there is often trial and error with the treatment regime.