Listening to Families Videos
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Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service explains the difference between an eating disorder and disorder eating. She talks about the main eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia. Heidi also discusses BMI.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service notes the early signs of an eating disorder. She identifies three areas to watch out for - physical changes, psychological changes and behavioural changes. She identifies some “myths” that need to be addressed.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service identifies behaviour and signs that indicate that a child may have an eating disorder. Differentiating between normal adolescent behaviour and eating disorder related behaviours.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service notes the importance of involving the General Practitioner and talks about preparing for the appointment. She recommends that parents get a second opinion if feeling concerns are not being heard. She explains the steps available for the General Practitioner including working with the child and family or a referral on to specialist services.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service explains the impact on the brain of a young person that results from an eating disorder. She talks about the important role that parents play in helping their child.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service talks about the importance of language. The child has anorexia the child is not anorexic - separating the person from the condition. This approach enables a discussion.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service stresses the importance of eating regularly. She notes that adolescents need to be eating every 2 to 3 hrs during the day - 3 meals and 3 snacks. She talks about breaking the cycle of an eating disorder.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service dealing with the internal voice that drives the compensatory behaviour. She shares strategies for post meal times.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service explains how an eating disorder “tricks” the brain – the eating disorder voice. The talks about the importance of language – avoiding the use of the word “fat”.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service shares ideas on how to respond to comments from extended family and notes how tough these comments can be on children. She refers to the “myths” and talks about the inappropriate but well intentioned comments that can harm. She talks about confidentiality. She notes that being prepared can make it easier to respond.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service talks about REDS – reduced energy deficiency syndrome. She talks about the impact that high performance sport can have on young bodies – particularly females. She notes the importance of talking with the coach and PE teacher.
Heidi Brace Adolescent Family Therapist – Eating Disorder Service notes the huge impact that an eating disorder has on all members of the family and on relationships. She talks about strategies that work for the student at school and how parents can help.