Listening to Families Videos
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Click on the categories below to filter your video view. Links to further resources are displayed under each video.
Lara Beskeen Stop services explains the services that Stop provides for children ages 12 to 18. Joel Agnew Stop services confirms the sources of referrals to Stop.
Joel Agnew Stop services notes that Stop provides free services. He talks about the therapeutic package that Stop provides and the ways that Stop engages.
Lara Beskeen Stop services talks about the importance of positive relationships for adolescents. She discusses the work that Stop services focussing on - what’s safe, what’s healthy, how to do relationships really well
Lara Beskeen Stop services notes that an assessment takes up to 10 weeks. Interventions may be short term or could be over a year.
Lara Beskeen Stop services notes that the Stop website breaks down what is expected behaviour at different ages. Joel Agnew Stop services talks about the multiple changes that an adolescent goes through and the exploration that is linked to this.
Lara Beskeen Stop services notes that the age the young people are seeing or accessing pornography has lowered – 10 to 12 yrs old. She notes that there has always been pornography, what’s changed is the ease of access and the content. Important that parents are aware of this.
Joel Agnew Stop services talks about a new software package “Take it down”. Lara Beskeen Stop services notes the importance of parents staying calm when adolescents raise issues in relation to porn and the importance of working with their adolescent to resolve these.
Joel Agnew and Lara Beskeen Stop services share a range of resources that are available for families – these are linked to the video clips in the series