Listening to Families Videos
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Kim mother of two autistic children talks to Helen Wagstaff Autism Coordinator about the process to get a diagnosis for her daughter and the challenges that she faced. She shares the process for her son and talks about the differences.
Helen Wagstaff Autism Coordinator notes the importance of ensuring that siblings get their own diagnosis
Helen Wagstaff Autism Coordinator talks with Kim mother of two autistic children about labels –some families want a label, others don’t. Kim shares her views on labels.
Helen Wagstaff Autism Coordinator explains to Kim why an interim diagnosis is sometimes given.
Helen Wagstaff Autism Coordinator notes that there are two ways to get a diagnosis in the public system. One is through Paediatrics – referred by the General Practice with supporting information. The other way is through CAF – the Child, Adolescent and Family mental health service. She also notes that families can go to the private practitioners.
Kim (mother) talks about her partner’s experience. She notes that people express support for the mother but often ignore the partner who is experiencing the same things.
Kim (mother) talks about her experience with her GP. She notes that GP knowledge and experience with autism varies between GP's.
Kim (mother) notes that Facebook and social media site scan be really helpful. She talks about the groups run by organisations such as Autism NZ and Parent2Parent. She shares the challenges she faced with parent groups
Kim (mother) notes the importance of beating the drum, and continuing to ask for advice. Also the importance of involving others.
Kim (mother) notes the importance of standing firm – not being bullied in to accepting advice that is clearly not right for your child.
Kim (mother) explains how isolated she was 15+ years ago when her daughters diagnosis was made She notes the resources and support groups available and how these remove the feelings of isolation.