Listening to Families Videos
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Click on the categories below to filter your video view. Links to further resources are displayed under each video.
James (father) and Sue (grandmother) share the challenges and frustrations of starting the autism journey with their son, grandson.
James (father) explains that he has used the autism label as a tool. He talks about how he has encouraged his son to respond – autism is a reason why he doesn’t do things not an excuse for not doing things
James (father) explains that receiving the diagnosis was confronting for him. Sue (grandmother) notes that it was a relief to get the diagnosis. They note the importance of acceptance and understanding it was nobody’s fault.
James (father) and Sue (grandmother) share their journey – they discuss the age that their son, grandson got his diagnosis. Helen (Autism Coordinator) notes the importance of taking steps to get a diagnosis if a family feels that there is something wrong with their child
James (father) talks about the importance of communication with the GP. He and Helen (Autism Coordinator) note the importance of getting information from the Early Childhood Centre to support the discussion with the GP. If concerned with the General Practice’s response seek another opinion.
James (father) talks about the agencies that provided support - notes the important role of Autism NZ. Sue (grandmother) encourages grandparents to get involved in courses.
James (father) talks about the role of LifeLinks – respite care, services and resources for the child and the role of other agencies. Sue (grandmother) explains her role as a grandparent and encourages other grandparents to get involved.
Sue (grandmother) explains the role of the Hapai Foundation and the needs that children with autism have that the Foundation can address.
James (father) talks about the strong support that he and his son have had from the education system. He explains that an assessment was required to access a Special Needs School and shares his sons experience at the school – the learning and growth.
ames (father) talks about single parenting and co-parenting. He notes that when the child is with you it’s important to engage with the child, he stresses the importance of consistency.
Helen (Autism Coordinator) notes the risks associated with Googling. She refers to the resources – web links etc that are provided as part of Listening to families package and encourages families to use this material to become well informed.
James (father) and Sue (grandmother) share their key messages. James notes the importance of acknowledging that there will be bad days and accepting that you are doing your best. Sue notes the importance of grandparents trusting in their children and their parenting.