Listening to Families Videos
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Alison, Gabi and Laura introduce themselves. Laura talks about her interests in animals and cooking and her hobbies.
Gabi talks about the steps that led to Laura’s diagnosis and the support that was put in place. Laura shares her thoughts on receiving the autism label and the benefits of making the diagnosis visible.
Laura talks about her achievements at school and the challenges. Gabi notes the support provided by the Deputy Principal at secondary school. Laura talks about the lack of support systems available for neuro diverse students and the lack of understanding of some teachers and classmates.
Laura talks about her week including volunteering at the SPCA, interacting with Socially Speaking. She and Gabi talk about the challenges of securing employment – getting support with CV preparation and interviewing skills. They discuss the benefits of getting a drivers licence.
Gabi and Laura talk about Laura’s increasing self-awareness. Laura talks about sensory issues – the challenges of dealing with noise and the role of breathing exercises. The use of headphones with audio books and music.
Laura talks about establishing friends – the changes since school. She shares the challenges of time management.
Gabi talks about the positive impact on Laura’s siblings – better understanding of neuro diversity. Alison and Gabi discuss the changes in attitude that have occurred over the last 20+ years. They discuss parenting courses – the inference that this is a parenting problem.
Gabi notes that a parent knows the child best - if something needs investigating keep trying. Laura encourages those working with neuro diverse people to take the time to support them, be patient and understanding.